Lead Scribe : Derek
Fairness and Causality/Experiments#
Presented by Surbhi
Main Goal
Teach more how causality can help us understand a situation
Passive observation
Something we generally observe but it does not require proper attention
Like noticing a car driving by you
Data collected this way shows a snapshot of the world as it is
Causal reasoning
Important questions are not usually observational in nature
Would traffic fatalities decrease if we raised the legal driving age by 2 years?
Not every cause qeustion is easy to address
Causal inference gives a formal language to ask questions, but does not trivialize finding the answer
Supporting 3 purposes for understanding causality
Conceptualize and address limits of observational techniques
Provide tools to help design intervention that acheive a desired effect
Engage with important debate about when and how much reasoning about discrimination and fairness require causal understanding
Simpson’s Paradox
Higher acceptance ratio among women, while two show a higher acceptance for men
There’s variation between departments, and so the higher rate for men may be seen in aggregate but reversed at the department level
This is one example of us misinterpreting what conditional probabilities encode
If we look at overall data, it looks like admissions are unfair and discriminating for men, but broken by department it looks like it’s the other way around
Not the admission that makes it look this way but it depends on where women/men tend to apply and such
For example engineering vs english vs other
Causal Models
Causal ineference can be used to guide design of studies
Choosing which variables to include, which to exclude, which to hold constant
Serve as mechanism to incorporate scientific domain knowledge and exchange plausible conclusions
Structural Causal Models
A sequence of assignments for generating a joint distribution from independent noise models
By executing the sequence of assignments, we build a set of jointly distributed random variables
Provides a joint distribution and describes how the dist can be generated from elementary noise variables
A Probabilistic model
Different set of operations
Useful for considering hypothetical scenarios differently than if you have a single set of data
How we can intervene in a world AND measure the effect of that intervention
Causal Graphs
Parent notation we saw last week, interpreted a little differently and we can take a model to build a graph
Can go from graph to model too
Looking at directed graphs as placeholder for an unspecified structuarl causal model that has the assignment structure given by the graph
Graph Structure
Has outgoing edges to two other variables
Aka the most common cause of other variables
A case of a fork where x causes z and z causes y so x causes y multiple ways
Not confounders
X and Y are unconfounded, and we can replace do-statements by conditional probabilities
The Harvard Admission example
The story
Asian American Male 25% admission chance, as white 36%, as Hispanic 77%, as African American 95%
Invalid statistically because everything on the application is exactly the same except for race but typically many other things will change besides just the race
Empirical Comparison#
Presented by Chan
Main Goal
Metaanalysis paper of analyzing fair machine learning algorithms
Comparison of algorithms they’d found
Comes with sensitive data
Age, race, gender, etc
The Experiemnts
Testing on
Comes in 2 ways before feeding into the algorithms that may or may not preprocess further
Training data is the cause of discrimination motivates this
If training data is discriminating then the results definitely will be, so we can preprocess to make it more fair
Modifications to the algorithms
If we have a result, can we prune or round items for better results
The Results
Measures of discrimination correlate with each other
Algorhtms make different fairness accuracy tradeoffs
Algorithms are gragile: they are sensitive to variations in the input
Determining if firefighters would receive a promotion
Adult Income
Predicting income above or below $50k
Classifying people on good or bad credit risk
ProPublica Recidivism/Violent Recidivism
Committing a crime/violent again
Modifying input according to any data-specific needs
Removing unneeded features, imputing missing data, etc
Add a combined senstivie attribute i.e. “White-Woman”
Senstiive Attribute treated as binary
See Figure 2 in the paper
One dot is one fold (LOOCV) of the data score in whatever metric in one algorithm
Equality between preprocessing choices = Showing the plot is not square, where the x and y axis are equal
Binary sensitive attribute is more accurate when using a fair classifier
Things we knew about ML before don’t necessarily apply to fair classifiers
Fairness may limit our accuracy