Lead Scribe - Chan
A Survey on Semi-Supervised Learning#
Presented by Derek
Semi-supervised learning
In this survey
attempting to give a comprehensive oversew of the state of semi-supervised learning
new taxonomy for semi-supervised classfication methods
Assumptoions SSL
Underlying marginal data distribution (p(x) over the input space contains info about the posterior distribution p(y|x)
Multiple assumptions based on interaction of p(x) and p(y|x)
assumption –> how does p(x) tells us something about p(y|x)?
not time-series data
points are not related to each other
samples are not conditional to each other.
classes are seperable
For two input points x,x’ that are close in the input space, the labels y,y’ should be the same
implies the decision bounday of a classifer should pass through low density regions in the input space
where few points are observed
smoothness assumption is not violated
but if bounday is in high density, could violate the smoothness assumption
manihold hypothesis - data lives in a lower dimension than we expect.
Connection to Clustering
cluster assumption is often included
When does SSL work?
algorithm needs to be able to extract the info relating p(x) to p(y|x) [hard to answer]
Empirical Eval of SSL
Many decision influence the relative perforamce of algorithms
Data set partitioning, hyperparameter tuning
With SSL we also have
what should be labeled and what should not be
can choose to eval performance on unlabeled data or on a disjoint set.
Toy data sets are usually used to show biability of a new approach
Data set choice can have large impact on performance.
Inductive Methods
wrapper methods
train classifers on labeled data –> use predictions to generate additional labeled data -> retrain on the pseudo-labeled data in addtion to existing labeled data.
among the oldest and most widely known algorithms for SSL
Advantage: can be used with ~any supervised base learner
Broken into self training, co-training, and pseudo-labelled boosting methods.
self training
most basic pseudo labelling approach
single supervised classifier iteratively trained on both labelled data and data that’s been pseudo labelled
Many design decisions
Selection of data to pseudo label
Re-use of pseudo labelled data
Stopping criteria
2 or more supervised classifiers that are iteratively trained on the labelled data, adding most confident predictions to the labeled set of the other supervised classifier at each iteration.
important that base learners are not strongly correlated in their predictions (classifier diversity)
single view and multi view
each base learner is given a set of i data points, which are sampled uniformly at random with replacement from the original data set
each base learner is dependent on previous base learners
AdaBoost exteneded to SSL setting
gets rid of base learners
Relies on the manifold assumption, using principles from graph-based methods
Other SSL Boosting Methods
unsupervised preprocessing
Uses unlabelled and labelled data in two separate stages
Feature extraction
Attempts to find a transformation of input data such that performance of the classifier improves or such that its construction becomes computationally more efficient
Many feature extraction methods operate without supervision (like PCA), others operate on labelled data and extract features with high predictive power
Relates to autoencoding (like we saw last week)
Form a group of methods that join clustering and classification processes
First apply an unsupervised or semi-supervised clustering algorithm to all data, then uses resulting clusters to guide classification
Unlabelled data used to guide decision boundary towards potentially interesting regions before applying supervised learning
intrinsically semi-supervised methods
Don’t rely on intermediate steps or supervised base learners
Extensions of existing supervised methods to include unlabeled samples in the objective function
Maximum-margin methods
Semi Supervised SVMs
Gaussian Processes
Density Regularization
Pseudo-labeling as a form of margin maximization
Perturbation-based methods (PB)
when we perturb a data point with some noise, the predictions for noisy and clean inputs should be similar
smoothness assumption
Methods of incorporating smoothness assumption into a given learning algorithm
Apply noise to input data and incorporate the difference between clean and noisy into the loss function
Implicitly apply noise to data points by perturbing the classifier
Semi-Supervised Neural Networks
Simplicity and efficiency of back propagation makes it easy to add an unsupervised component to the loss function
Because NNs are hierarchical, they are also viable candidates for semi-supervised approaches
Ladder networks
Extends a feedforward network to incorporate unlabelled data by using the feedforward part of the network as the encoder of a denoising autoencoder
Adding a decoder, and including a term in the cost function to penalize the reconstruction cost
Perturbing the neural network model itself
Robustness through penalizing the differences between the activations of perturbed network and those of the original network for the same input
Unperturbed parent model is perturbed to obtain one or more child models
⨅ models
Computing perturbed models directly
Using dropout and penalizing differences in the final layer activation of the networks using squared loss
Mean teacher
Average weights = teacher
latest model = student
Temporal Ensembling
virtual adversarial training
semi-supervised mixup
an m-dim manifold is a subspace of the original input
Manifold regularization
Introduce regularization term that captures the fact that manifolds represent lower dimension Euclidean space
Manifold approximation
Manifold explicitly approximated, then used in a classification task
Generative models
model that process the generation of data
Mixture models
When prior knowledge about p(x,y) is available, GM can be strong
Data is composed of k Gaussian distributions → fix model as a mixture of k gaussian components
Generative adversarial networks
Variational autoencoders
Transductive Methods
do not construct a classifer for entire input space
Limted to exactly those objects encountered during training phase.
info must be propagated through direct connections between data points (graph-based approaches)
cannot distinguish between training and testing phase
General Framework for graph based method
graph construction
Most important aspect of graph-based methods
Form edges between nods (adj. matrix)
attaching weights to them (weight matrix)
Adj. matrix construction
KNN, ε-neighborhood, b-matching
connects nodes to all nodes to which distance is at most ε
find subsets of edges in complete graph such that each each node has degree b and the sum of edge weights is maxed.
Graph weighting
Simultaneous graph
forming predictions for the unlabelled data points
Hard label assignments: graph min-cut
Probabilistic label assignments: Markov random fields
Efficient Probabilistic label assignments: Gaussian random fields
like MRFs
Handling label noise and irregular graphs
approach that addresses two issues
handling label noise
influence of nodes with high degree in irregular graphs is large
Further research on graph based inference
class imbalance sensitivity
Scalable transductive learning
Classification in network data
represented as graphs
Learning with Noisy Labels#
Presented by Derek
design supervised learning algo. learning from noisy labels
modified/Proxy loss is an unbiased estimate of the loss function
Based on the idea that the probability of misclassification under noisy distribution differes from clean distribution where a given threshold is used to decide the label.
Problem Setup and Background
Ỹ–> incorrect data
not every single label is wrong (<1)
𝑓 is a decision function
important quantities associated with 𝑓
l is a convex function calibrated to a loss
In the event 𝑓 is not quantified in a minimization, the minimization is overall measurable functions.
Methods of Unbiased Estimators
Method of Label-Dependent Costs
Proposed Proxy Surrogate Losses
Given a surrogate loss function and this decomposition
Proposed methods are competitive and able to tolerate moderate-high noise
Methods can benefit from knowing the noise rates
Algorithms give a new family of methods applicable to positive unbalanced learning problems